@ECHO OFF TITLE DBFIX color 1F cd %~dps0 if [%1]==[/second] goto Second ver|%systemroot%\system32\find.exe "Windows XP">nul && set TypeOS=XP if [%TypeOS%]==[XP] goto mbotStart ver|%systemroot%\system32\find.exe "Windows 2000">nul && set TypeOS=W2K if [%TypeOS%]==[W2K] goto mbotStart goto End :mbotStart set update=%Version 1.005 echo. echo. echo *** DelphiBot Fix %update% *** echo. echo. echo. echo DBFIX was developed with the greatest attention to detail, echo However, Use of this program is at your own discretion. echo The program is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. echo. echo. echo Backups will be made of registry entries and files before they are removed echo. echo Type Y to run DBFIX or N to exit echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p Choice=Type Y to Start or N to Exit.... if [%Choice%]==[y] goto msnbotfix if [%Choice%]==[Y] goto msnbotfix if [%Choice%]==[n] goto End if [%Choice%]==[N] goto End if [%Choice%]==[f] goto Second if [%Choice%]==[F] goto Second For %%a in (Y,y,N,n) do if not [%Choice%]==[%%a] goto End pause :msnbotfix IF EXIST test* del/q test* >nul IF EXIST find*.txt del/q find*.txt >nul IF EXIST check*.txt del/q check*.txt >nul cls ECHO. ECHO Checking For Trojan File and Run Value ECHO. IF NOT EXIST "%cd%\dnif.exe" COPY /Y "%systemroot%\system32\find.exe" "%cd%\dnif.exe">nul IF NOT EXIST "%cd%\dnif.exe" COPY /Y "%systemroot%\system32\dllcache\find.exe" "%cd%\dnif.exe">nul IF NOT EXIST "%cd%\rtsdnif.exe" COPY /Y "%systemroot%\system32\findstr.exe" "%cd%\rtsdnif.exe">nul IF NOT EXIST "%cd%\rtsdnif.exe" COPY /Y "%systemroot%\system32\dllcache\findstr.exe" "%cd%\rtsdnif.exe">nul IF NOT EXIST "%cd%\editreg.exe" COPY /Y "%systemroot%\regedit.exe" "%cd%\editreg.exe">nul IF NOT EXIST "%cd%\editreg.exe" COPY /Y "%systemroot%\system32\dllcache\regedit.exe" "%cd%\editreg.exe">nul IF NOT EXIST "%cd%\editreg.exe" COPY /Y "%cd%\apps\replace\regedit.exe" "%cd%\editreg.exe">nul IF NOT EXIST "%cd%\apps\CSweg.exe" COPY /Y "%cd%\apps\swreg.exe" "%cd%\apps\CSweg.exe">nul IF EXIST test* del/q test* >nul IF EXIST repair*.reg del/q repair*.reg >nul IF EXIST find*.txt del/q find*.txt >nul IF EXIST check*.txt del/q check*.txt >nul IF EXIST DBFIX_Report_old.txt del /q DBFIX_Report_old.txt >nul IF EXIST DBFIX_Report.txt ren DBFIX_Report.txt DBFIX_Report_old.txt >nul ver|dnif.exe /I "Windows XP">nul && ( if not exist "%windir%\system32\AUTOEXEC.NT" copy "%cd%\apps\replace\XP\AUTOEXEC.NT" "%windir%\system32\AUTOEXEC.NT">NUL && echo Replaced file missing AUTOEXEC.NT>>filecheck.txt if not exist "%windir%\system32\Config.nt" copy "%cd%\apps\replace\XP\Config.nt" "%windir%\system32\Config.nt">NUL && echo Replaced missing Config.nt>>filecheck.txt if not exist "%windir%\system32\Command.com" copy "%cd%\apps\replace\XP\Command.com" "%windir%\system32\Command.com">NUL && echo Replaced missing Command.com>>filecheck.txt ) ver|dnif.exe /I "Windows 2000">nul && ( if not exist "%windir%\system32\AUTOEXEC.NT" copy "%cd%\apps\replace\W2K\AUTOEXEC.NT" "%windir%\system32\AUTOEXEC.NT">NUL && echo Replaced missing AUTOEXEC.NT>>filecheck.txt if not exist "%windir%\system32\Config.nt" copy "%cd%\apps\replace\W2K\Config.nt" "%windir%\system32\Config.nt">NUL && echo Replaced missing Config.nt>>filecheck.txt if not exist "%windir%\system32\Command.com" copy "%cd%\apps\replace\W2K\Command.com" "%windir%\system32\Command.com">NUL && echo Replaced missing Command.com>>filecheck.txt ) apps\Csweg delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\System" /v DisableRegistryTools >nul apps\Csweg delete "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\System" /v DisableRegistryTools >nul apps\Csweg.exe export "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" CheckRunsa.txt apps\locate "%systemroot%\system32\*.exe" /A:D-H+ /s:30000,110000 /n /nr /O:"&W"|dnif.exe /I ".exe">TestIRCBotDelphi1a.txt IF EXIST TestIRCBotDelphi1a.txt dnif.exe /I "."NUL && for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (TestIRCBotDelphi1a.txt) do ECHO %%~a>>TestIRCBotDelphi2a.txt IF EXIST TestIRCBotDelphi2a.txt rtsdnif.exe /m /f:TestIRCBotDelphi2a.txt "00000000">>TestIRCBotDelphi3a.txt 2>nul IF EXIST TestIRCBotDelphi3a.txt rtsdnif.exe /m /f:TestIRCBotDelphi3a.txt "Delphi">TestIRCBotDelphi4a.txt 2>nul IF EXIST TestIRCBotDelphi2a.txt rtsdnif.exe /m /f:TestIRCBotDelphi2a.txt "QQQQQS3">>TestIRCBotDelphi3b.txt 2>nul IF EXIST TestIRCBotDelphi3b.txt rtsdnif.exe /m /f:TestIRCBotDelphi3b.txt "AVP.Tray">TestIRCBotDelphi4a.txt 2>nul IF EXIST TestIRCBotDelphi4a.txt dnif.exe /I "."NUL && for /f "tokens=4 delims=\." %%b in (TestIRCBotDelphi4a.txt) do dnif.exe /I "%%b.exe">TestIRCBotDelphiRun1a.txt && IF EXIST %systemroot%\system32\%%b.exe echo %systemroot%\system32\%%b.exe>>RemLat2a.txt IF EXIST TestIRCBotDelphiRun1a.txt dnif.exe /I "."NUL && ( >RepairDelphiBota.reg ( echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 echo. echo [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system] echo "DisableRegistryTools"=- echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] ) for /f "tokens=1 delims==" %%e in (TestIRCBotDelphiRun1a.txt) do ( echo %%e=->>RepairDelphiBota.reg echo.>>RepairDelphiBota.reg echo %%e>>TestBotDelphi.txt )) apps\Csweg.exe QUERY "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot" /s>TESTsboot1.txt time /t>CurrentT.txt 2>NUL For /f "tokens=*" %%b in (CurrentT.txt) do Call Set cctime=%%b del /q CurrentT.txt >NUL >DBFIX_Report.txt ( echo. echo DBFix %update% echo Run on %date% @ %cctime% echo. IF EXIST filecheck.txt TYPE filecheck.txt echo. IF EXIST RemLat2a.txt echo DelfBot File Found: IF EXIST RemLat2a.txt dnif.exe /I "."NUL && For /f "tokens=*" %%C in (RemLat2a.txt) do echo %%C IF NOT EXIST RemLat2a.txt ECHO No DelfBot Files Found ECHO. IF EXIST RepairDelphiBota.reg echo DelfBot Run Value Found: IF EXIST RepairDelphiBota.reg dnif.exe /I "HKEY"NUL && For /f "tokens=*" %%f in (TestBotDelphi.txt) do echo HKLM~\Run %%f IF NOT EXIST RepairDelphiBota.reg ECHO No DelfBot Run Values Found echo. ) dnif.exe /I "andymanchesta"<%windir%\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC\HOSTS>NUL && ( echo Restoring Default HOSTS File>>DBFIX_Report.txt ATTRIB -h -s -r -a "%windir%\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC\HOSTS" >NUL COPY /Y "%windir%\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC\HOSTS" "%CD%\HOSTS.BAK" >NUL DEL /Q "%windir%\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC\HOSTS" >nul 2>&1 >%windir%\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC\HOSTS ( echo # Copyright © 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp. echo # echo # This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows. echo # echo # This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each echo # entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should echo # be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name. echo # The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one echo # space. echo # echo # Additionally, comments ^(such as these^) may be inserted on individual echo # lines or following the machine name denoted by a "#" symbol. echo # echo # For example: echo # echo # rhino.acme.com # source server echo # x.acme.com # x client host echo # echo localhost )) IF EXIST TESTsboot1.txt dnif.exe /I "Boot file system"NUL && dnif.exe /I "vga.sys"NUL && GOTO sfbfne ECHO SPRFND>TESTSFBT1.TXT ECHO Restoring Missing SafeBoot Keys>>DBFIX_Report.txt echo.>>DBFIX_Report.txt ver|dnif.exe "Windows XP">nul && ( apps\Csweg QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v CSDVersion|dnif.exe /i "Service Pack 2">NUL && apps\Csweg IMPORT apps\Restore_SafeBoot_WindowsXP_SP2.reg>nul && GOTO sfbfne apps\Csweg QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v CSDVersion|dnif.exe /i "Service Pack 3">NUL && apps\Csweg IMPORT apps\Restore_SafeBoot_WindowsXP_SP3.reg>nul && GOTO sfbfne apps\Csweg IMPORT apps\Restore_SafeBoot_WindowsXP.reg>nul ) ver|dnif.exe "Windows 2000">nul && apps\Csweg IMPORT apps\Restore_SafeBoot_Windows2000_SP4.reg >nul :sfbfne IF NOT EXIST RepairDelphiBota.reg ( ECHO Finished!>>DBFIX_Report.txt IF EXIST testirc* del/q testirc* >nul IF EXIST tests* del/q tests* >nul IF EXIST check*.txt del/q check*.txt >nul IF EXIST dnif.exe del/q dnif.exe >nul IF EXIST editreg.exe del/q editreg.exe >nul IF EXIST rtsdnif.exe del/q rtsdnif.exe >nul start NOTEPAD DBFIX_Report.txt EXIT ) IF NOT EXIST DBFIX_backups\ MD DBFIX_backups 2>nul apps\Csweg export "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" "%cd%\DBFIX_backups\HKLM_RunKey_Backup.reg" apps\Csweg export "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot" "%cd%\DBFIX_backups\SafeBoot_Backup.reg" echo DelfBot Trojan Found! IF EXIST RepairDelphiBota.reg editreg.exe /s RepairDelphiBota.reg 2>NUL IF EXIST RepairDelphiBota.reg apps\Csweg import RepairDelphiBota.reg 2>NUL IF EXIST RemLat2a.txt dnif.exe /I "."NUL && For /f "tokens=4 delims=\." %%b in (RemLat2a.txt) do if exist "%systemroot%\system32\%%b.exe" ( apps\Cghtme.exe -c "%systemroot%\system32\%%b.exe" DBFIX_backups\%%b.exe.vir >NUL apps\Cghtme.exe -e "%systemroot%\system32\%%b.exe" >nul IF EXIST "%userprofile%\desktop\catchme.zip" del /q "%userprofile%\desktop\catchme.zip" >NUL IF EXIST "%userprofile%\desktop\catchme.log" del /q "%userprofile%\desktop\catchme.log" >NUL ) echo.>>DBFIX_Report.txt IF EXIST RemLat2a.txt dnif.exe /I "."NUL && For /f "tokens=*" %%a in (RemLat2a.txt) do ( IF NOT EXIST "%%a" ECHO %%a - Deleted>>DBFIX_Report.txt IF EXIST "%%a" ECHO Unable To Remove %%a!>>DBFIX_Report.txt ) IF NOT EXIST TESTSFBT1.TXT GOTO SEBTFNE apps\Csweg.exe QUERY "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot" /s>TESTsboot2.txt IF EXIST TESTsboot2.txt dnif.exe /I "Boot file system"NUL && dnif.exe /I "vga.sys"NUL && ECHO Safeboot Keys Repaired Successfully>TESTSFB1.txt||echo Unable to repair SafeBoot key!>TESTSFB1.txt :SEBTFNE echo.>>DBFIX_Report.txt IF EXIST TestBotDelphi.txt apps\Csweg QUERY "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run">>TestDelfRun.txt IF EXIST TestBotDelphi.txt For /f "tokens=*" %%b in (TestBotDelphi.txt) do dnif.exe /I "%%~b"nul && echo %%b - Unable to remove registry value!>>DBFIX_Report.txt||echo HKLM\~\Run %%b - Deleted>>DBFIX_Report.txt echo.>>DBFIX_Report.txt FIND.EXE /I "HOSTS "NUL && dnif.exe /I "andymanchesta"<%windir%\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC\HOSTS>NUL && ECHO Unable to Repair HOSTS file!>>DBFIX_Report.txt||ECHO HOSTS File Replaced Successfully>>DBFIX_Report.txt IF EXIST TESTSFB1.txt TYPE TESTSFB1.txt>>DBFIX_Report.txt echo.>>DBFIX_Report.txt echo Finished!>>DBFIX_Report.txt echo.>>DBFIX_Report.txt IF EXIST HOSTS.BAK MOVE /Y HOSTS.BAK .\DBFIX_backups\ >nul IF EXIST test*.txt del /q test*.txt >nul IF EXIST repair*.reg del /q repair*.reg >nul IF EXIST find*.txt del /q find*.txt >nul IF EXIST file*.txt del /q file*.txt >nul IF EXIST check*.txt del /q check*.txt >nul IF EXIST dnif.exe del /q dnif.exe >nul IF EXIST editreg.exe del /q editreg.exe >nul IF EXIST Remlat*.txt del /q Remlat*.txt >nul IF EXIST rtsdnif.exe del /q rtsdnif.exe >nul apps\zip "DBFIX_backups.zip" DBFIX_backups\*.* >nul 2>&1 del /q DBFIX_backups\*.* >nul 2>&1 move DBFIX_backups.zip DBFIX_backups\ >nul 2>&1 Start notepad DBFIX_Report.txt && exit :end EXIT